A Review: The Internet of Things Using Fog Computing

Miss Yugandhara, A Thakare, Miss Pranita, P Deshmukh, Miss Rupali, A Meshram, Miss Komal, R Hole, Miss Rutuja, A Gulhane, Miss Nilaja, A Deshmukh
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)   unpublished
Fog computing is a research area that targets on providing services and specifying customers needs in the space between "Ground" and "Cloud". In the current cloud-based Internet-of-Things (IoT) model, smart devices (such as sensors, smart phones) exchange information through the Internet (routers and/or servers on cloud) to cooperate and provide services to users, which could be citizens, smart home systems, and industrial applications. Even though the cloud based IoT model describes a uniform,
more » ... concise, and scalable solution for supporting IoT applications, the deployments of IoT applications on cloud and are facing the challenges originated from economic considerations, social concerns, technical limitations, and administrative issues. The Internet of Things expands its reach into virtually every domain, high-speed data processing, analytics and shorter response times are becoming more necessary than ever. Meeting these requirements is somewhat difficult through the current centralized, cloud-based model powering IoT systems, but can be made possible through fog computing brings computing resources and application services closer to the edge, the most rational and efficient spot in the range between the data source and the cloud.