Russia, Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the Balkans on the eve of the First World War

2021 Voennyi Sbornik  
The article is devoted to the study of international relations on the Balkan Peninsula on the eve of the First World War. Russian diplomacy has traditionally considered Orthodox Serbia as its main ally on the Balkan Peninsula. Russian-Serbian relations and Serbia's relations with neighboring states were among the key topics of international relations on the eve of the First World War. Due to the active foreign policy of Austria-Hungary in the Balkans, Serbia has repeatedly raised questions
more » ... military assistance from Russia. The policy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, aimed at strengthening its influence in the Balkans, contributed to the destabilization of the situation and the beginning of hostilities.
doi:10.13187/vs.2021.1.27 fatcat:t4dhz5t2dvdcjlituvshnmvrqy