Keyword Extraction Methods for Bibliographic Information of Ancient Documents

Takehiko Murakawa, Katsuma Yamanaka, Keigo Utsunomiya, Masaru Nakagawa
2008 Joho Chishiki Gakkaishi  
Ancient documents and scriptures provide a clue as to their background and the human relationships, due to the colophons and the bibliographic data. Using the full-text search system that we have developed, we attempt to extract the helpful keywords. The words of Japanese year are made of the imperial era names and the numbers to filter through the fulltext search. Temple names are obtained by a text-mining approach whose first step is to find the Chinese character of temple. The keywords are
more » ... lit character by character and formed by means of trie to store in a database. Moreover we improve the search interface so that the users can see the resulting documents with the keywords highlighted for further search. : , , , , digital archive, ancient document, full-text search, text mining, trie 1 [1]
doi:10.2964/jsik.18-87 fatcat:x3bd6oeymng3fotq2adrlv6zxy