Dimensional deconstruction and Wess-Zumino-Witten terms

Christopher T. Hill, Cosmas K. Zachos
2005 Physical Review D  
A new technique is developed for the derivation of the Wess-Zumino-Witten terms of gauged chiral lagrangians. We start in D=5 with a pure (mesonless) Yang-Mills theory, which includes relevant gauge field Chern-Simons terms. The theory is then compactified, and the effective D=4 lagrangian is derived using lattice techniques, or "deconstruction," where pseudoscalar mesons arise from the lattice Wilson links. This yields the WZW term with the correct Witten coefficient by way of a simple
more » ... c argument. We discover a novel WZW term for singlet currents, that yields the full Goldstone-Wilczek current, and a U(1) axial current for the skyrmion, with the appropriate anomaly structures. A more detailed analysis is presented of the dimensional compactification of Yang-Mills in D=5 into a gauged chiral lagrangian in D=4, heeding the consistency of the D=4 and D=5 Bianchi identities. These dictate a novel covariant derivative structure in the D=4 gauge theory, yielding a field strength modified by the addition of commutators of chiral currents. The Chern-Simons term of the pure D=5 Yang-Mills theory then devolves into the correct form of the Wess-Zumino-Witten term with an index (the analogue of N_colors=3) of N=D=5. The theory also has a Skyrme term with a fixed coefficient.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.71.046002 fatcat:4ld3go5eorcqfpqqdxqxkxuxeq