Методы управления рисками при реализации инновационного проекта

М.Н. Копылов, Т.И. Ларинина
Any entrepreneurial activity in an uncertain volatile environment is inevitably associated with risk. Formation of risk management system in such conditions is an important and integral part of development, especially in innovative projects. In Russia, according to Rosstat for 2021, the ratio of liquidated innovative companies to newly registered companies reached 3.3 units. This study evaluates approaches to the terminology of the concept of "risk" in the literature and international
more » ... provides an overview of risk management methods, gives a selection of different risk management tools, makes a block diagram of risk management when implementing innovation projects. Theoretical significance of the work is to identify and consolidate existing knowledge of modern risk management methodology, expanding knowledge of risk management methods tools, and compiling a universal flowchart of risk management capabilities in the enterprise and innovation project. Practical significance of the arti-cle consists in the possibility of using the proposed flowchart in risk management at an enterprise in any industry.
doi:10.34755/irok.2022.12.10.024 fatcat:ppoyq77jgbcdpbpilpwlbozcbe