Combinando Metodologias Ágeis e Ativas no Ensino de Introdução a Programação a Estudantes do Ensino Médio

Bruno Moreno
2019 Anais do Workshop de Desafios da Computação aplicada à Educação (DesafIE! 2019)   unpublished
Teaching introductory programming is a challenge regardless the audience of students. For high school students, this challenge could be even greater. Active learning methodologies have been shown as an acceptable approach to teach this topic. It has been observed that these methodologies are very similar to the agile methodologies of software development. This is the point of our discussion: how both approaches can be related to focus on the teaching and learning process of introductory programming to a specific public of students.
doi:10.5753/desafie.2019.12193 fatcat:lqwv4kkz6va45eubslg4cwdlcy