Paenibacillus polymyxa and Burkholderia cepacia Antagonize Ginseng Root Rot Pathogens

Young Don Lee, Khalid Abdullah Hussein, Jin Ho Joo
2017 Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer  
To isolate rhizobacteria exhibiting antifungal activities for for five pathogenic fungi (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Fusarium solani, Collectotricum gloeosporides, Fusarium oxysporum, and Botrytis cinerea) which cause damage to Ginseng root in Ginseng grown fields, four soils were collected from Cheorlwon gun, in Korea. From 4 soils, a total of 160 bacterial strains were isolated by dilution plate method. Among 160 strains, 32 strains showed antifungal activities for one or more pathogens. From
more » ... strains, three strains exhibited antifungal activities for all pathogens. These are two Burkholderia cepacia (ATCC 25416 and ET 13) and one Paenibacillus polymyxa (ATCC 842). These potent antifungal strains showed high identities (99% using 16S-rRNA sequencing).
doi:10.7745/kjssf.2017.50.6.598 fatcat:irewhs3onngjni7r2bmflqrjie