Characterization of Extremal Unicyclic Graphs Using F-Coindex

Muhammad Imran, Yasir Ali, Zainab Bibi, Muhammad Saad Ghafar
2021 Complexity  
The study of forgotten index and coindex for the molecular structures of some special chemical graphs (compounds and drugs) has proven significant in medical and pharmaceutical drug design fields by making reliable statistical conclusion about biological properties of new chemical compounds and drugs. In mathematical chemistry, finding extreme graphs with respect to topological index is an active area of research. The aim of this paper is to characterize the family of unicyclic graphs with
more » ... me (largest and smallest) F-coindex. Moreover, the study also contains different other properties of unicyclic graphs. All these results are based upon an alternative form of F-coindex which is established with the help of special property in the graphs.
doi:10.1155/2021/8480971 doaj:b74cf9433d424e5c89becda709fc4f89 fatcat:irea7dp6hneptp6p2xepppgk6q