Concomitant transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy and transurethral resection of prostate in patients with urinary retention and elevated prostate-specific antigen

Ti-Yuan Yang, Yung-Chiong Chow, Wun-Rong Lin, Ming-Chung Ko, Marcelo Chen, Huang-Kuang Chang, Jong-Ming Hsu, Stone Yang, Wen-Chou Lin, Allen W. Chiu
2016 Urological Science  
The salvage procedure was well tolerated by the patients with minimal side effects. No major complications were found in our patients (rectal injury, fistula, incontinence of urine, epididmyo-orchitis). 1 patient developed urethral stricture and required optical internal urethrotomy/ TURP. Conclusion: Our early clinical results show the feasibility and good tolerance of salvage HIFU as a management option after primary treatment of prostate cancer with HIFU. Oncological outcomes are
more » ... . No major side effects were noted. Currently there are very few, if any, clinical trials globally, that have studied HIFU as a salvage treatment option after primary HIFU for localized prostate cancer. Larger prospective studies with longer follow-up are needed to confirm our initial results.
doi:10.1016/j.urols.2016.05.226 fatcat:5pvg57db45aa5erjudchtrg2mu