Investment and Innovation Support for Forestry Practices of Permanent Forest Users under Conditions of Deepening the Institutional Transformations

Dzyubenko Oleksandr M.
2017 Problemi Ekonomiki  
The necessity of increasing the investment and innovative support for forestry practices as a necessary prerequisite to ensure the maximum possible wood growth and integrated use of forest resource potential is substantiated. It is found that under current conditions the main institutional prerequisite for attracting private investments in forestry is the establishment of partnerships between state forestry enterprises and private business entities. There analyzed the main tendencies of
more » ... ng liquid wood from final felling, age structure of the main forest-forming species, area of increment felling at state forestry enterprises of Cherkasy region, which is a prerequisite for selecting priority areas for investment and innovation support for forestry practices of permanent forest users in the region. It is proved that the priority direction in investment and innovation support for forestry practices at state forestry enterprises of Cherkasy region is the formation of a mechanism for updating the fleet of production equipment and implements on a new technological basis, which will contribute to the maximum possible approximation of their forestry practices to the principles and rules of science-based forest management.
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