Release kinetics of lime essential oil (Citrus aurantifolia) from beads microencapsulated through ion-gel method

Vinh Truong
2021 ˜The œJournal of Agriculture and Development  
Ca-Alginate beads for microencapsulation of lime oil (Citrus aurantifolia) by ion-gel method was manufactured and then soaked in Chitosan solution to obtain Ca-Alginate-Chitosan beads. Increased CaCl2 concentrations reduced lime essential oil release. The alginate concentration (2 to 3%) and water temperature significantly affected the release of oil (P < 0.05). The higher temperatures, the higher the release rate. The oil release at 75oC was twice as much as at 45oC. At 45oC, the difference in
more » ... the release rate among the alginate concentrations of 2%, 2.5% and 3% was clear and statistically significant (P < 0.05). However, at 60oC and 75oC, there was no significant difference in release between the alginate concentration of 2.5% and 3% (P > 0.05). In the storage of beads in 1% CaCl2 solution at normal temperature, after the first 15 days, Ca Alginate-Chitosan system released about 3% slower than Ca-Alginate system, but there was no difference between the two systems after 45 days. This shows that if prolonged for a long time, the ion-gelation of Ca-Alginate prevails over the Alginate-Chitosan cross-link.
doi:10.52997/jad.8.01.2021 fatcat:ovc3azxyzjghzgxbznfy4j6nre