Erek Odaklı Çeviri Teorisi: Miheil Cavahişvili'nin "Kvaçi Kvaçantiradze" (Madrabaz Kvaçi) Adlı Romanının Gürcüce Çevirisi Üzerine*

Mehmet Nadir ACET, Murat ÖZCAN
2022 Turkish Studies - Language and Literature  
Translation, which has an important place in the development of societies, is a phenomenon that exists and lives with people and provides communication in all dimensions. Since translation plays a very important role in the development of society, it is necessary to create and develop language awareness in a society. The relationship of the community language with other languages is also important in this respect. Interacting in different cultures means transferring the values of that culture
more » ... rough translation activities and bringing them together with the mother tongue culture. It can be said that the development of translation studies depends on translation criticism. While criticisms of translation have caused some translation theories to lose their validity, some have developed to have a more valid position in the world of translation or have enabled new translation theories to be formed. E.g; The "target-oriented translation approach", which constitutes the basic infrastructure of this study, has developed from the day it was first published and has preserved its validity and even pioneered the formation of some new theories. The "target-oriented translation theory" put forward and developed by Gideon Toury was formed on the basis of the concept of "culture" underlying Even-Zohar's "polysystem theory" and took its place among the most widely accepted theories of the translation world together with the "polysystem theory". The fact that translation theories develop and push their limits through translation criticism is also considered as proof of the rapid development of translation studies. In this study, it will be determined how the sections determined from the book "Kvaçi Kvacantiradze (Madrabaz Kvaçi)" of Miheil Cavahişvili, one of the important names of 20th century Georgian literature, were transferred to Turkish in the light of Gideon Toury's target-oriented translation theory. It will be observed whether the translation is "acceptable" or "adequate" according to the targetoriented theory.
doi:10.7827/turkishstudies.55767 fatcat:vcbn5g4xejcnrm2ts24w3yhiby