Crack Detection by Optical Voice Recorder Based on Digital Holography

Gülhan Ustabaş Kaya, Zehra Saraç
2019 Photonic Sensors  
The detection of crack on materials is an important issue in industry. On the contrary to conventional methods, such as manual inspection, sensor detection, and image processing techniques, a new simple method to detect the crack is proposed with optical voice recorder based on digital holography in this paper. Holograms obtained with sound waves passing through the materials are recorded by using the digital holography technique. Temporal behavior of the sound wave passing through the
more » ... which is obtained from these holograms, gives image of crack. In this article, cracks in various materials are determined by the proposed new method, and crack images obtained with this new system are presented.
doi:10.1007/s13320-019-0541-1 fatcat:kefkw7ffazh7taajua67dmtw3u