Urinary excretion of aflatoxin M1 after administration of aflatoxin B1 in sucrose- or starch-rich diets

A. Wise, M. Suzangar, M. Messripour, J. Mohammadi
1978 British Journal of Nutrition  
I . Male Sprague-Dawley rats were given 630 g/kg sucrose or starch with z mg/kg aflatoxin B, for periods 2. Less aflatoxin M, was excreted by the rats fed on the sucrose-rich diet compared to those fed on the 3. It is concluded that sucrose probably decreases the activity of aflatoxin B1 metabolism in a similar way of 75, 145 and zoo d, and the 24 h urinary excretion of aflatoxin M, was measured. starch-rich diet. This difference was especially marked when expressed per g metabolizing tissue.
more » ... its previously found effect on the drug-metabolizing enzyme.
doi:10.1079/bjn19780137 pmid:698178 fatcat:ao4qktopajfsvjv6nz24v5dkla