Constraints on unparticle interactions from particle and antiparticle oscillations

Shao-Long Chen, Xiao-Gang He, Xue-Qian Li, Ho-Chin Tsai, Zheng-Tao Wei
2009 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
We study unparticle effects on particle and antiparticle osillations in meson-antimeson, and muonium-antimuonium systems. Unlike usual tree level contributions to meson oscillations from heavy particle exchange with small Γ_12, the unparticle may have sizeable contributions to both M_12 and Γ_12 due to fractional dimension d_ of the unparticle. We find that very stringent constraints on the unparticle and particle interactions can be obtained. If unparticle effect dominates the contributions
more » ... ich may happen in D^0-D̅^0 mixing) to meson mixing parameters x and y, we find that x/y =(π d_). Interesting constraints on unparticle and particle interactions can also be obtained using muonion and antimuonion oscillation data. We also comment on unparticle effects on CP violation in meson oscillations.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0823-z fatcat:tuljgitqgjelfomssflmkouf4i