Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Acute Cervical Cord Injury

Eiji Mori, Keiichiro Shiba, Masaaki Ktsuki, Takayoshi Ueta, Kenzou Shirasawa, Hideki Ohte, Shyunichi Rikimaru, Eishyun Higa, Kouzou Kaji
1991 Orthopedics & Traumatology  
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 18 patients with acute cervical cord injury using T2-weighted images of a 1.0-T magnet. Three different types of MRI signal patterns were detected in association with these cervical cord injuries.
doi:10.5035/nishiseisai.40.161 fatcat:l7o3ign3jrgmrcx2xl2qr3txli