A Method of Seller Reputation Computation Based on Rating Separation in e-Marketplace
평점 분리 기법을 이용한 e마켓플레이스의 판매자 평판 계산 방안

Hyun-Kyo Oh, Yoohan Noh, Sang-Wook Kim, Sunju Park
2015 Journal of KIISE  
Most e-marketplaces build a reputation system that provides potential buyers with reputation scores of sellers in order for buyers to identify the sellers that are more reliable and trustworthy. The reputation scores are computed based on the aggregation of buyers' ratings. However, when these ratings are used to compute the reputation scores, the existing reputation systems do not make a distinction according to the following two criteria: the capability of the seller and the quality of an
more » ... . We claim that a reputation system needs to separate the two criteria in order to provide more precise information about the seller. In this paper, we propose a method to compute seller's reputation by separating the rating into the seller's score and the item's score. The proposed method computes the reputation of the seller's capability by using only the 'seller's score' and
doi:10.5626/jok.2015.42.10.1286 fatcat:bt5aep34gnfc5mt2oqkepixc5i