Displaced vertex searches for sterile neutrinos at future lepton colliders

Stefan Antusch, Eros Cazzato, Oliver Fischer
2016 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We investigate the sensitivity of future lepton colliders to displaced vertices from the decays of long-lived heavy (almost sterile) neutrinos with electroweak scale masses and detectable time of flight. As future lepton colliders we consider the FCC-ee, the CEPC, and the ILC, searching at the Z-pole and at the center-of-mass energies of 240, 350 and 500 GeV. For a realistic discussion of the detector response to the displaced vertex signal and the Standard Model background we consider the
more » ... Silicon Detector (SiD) as benchmark for the future lepton collider detectors. We find that displaced vertices constitute a powerful search channel for sterile neutrinos, sensitive to squared active-sterile mixing angles as small as 10^-11.
doi:10.1007/jhep12(2016)007 fatcat:xpnpejf5wjgb5jdtumckfvitcy