Is Small Group Collaboration Beneficial in Large Scale Online Courses? An Investigation of Factors Influencing Satisfaction and Performance in GroupMOOCs

Elias Kyewski, Nicole C. Krämer, Nina Christmann, Malte Elson, Julia Erdmann, Tobias Hecking, Thomas Herrmann, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Nikol Rummel, Astrid Wichmann
2016 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
The paper analyzes students' experience within a large scale e-learning course in a higher education setting. During the course students worked on successive assignments individually or in groups of three students in an alternating fashion. Captured data include students' platform behavior (login, resource accesses, e.g., literature access, video access, active days, completed quizzes, resource coverage), students' final course grade as well as learning preferences, intrinsic motivation and
more » ... sfaction assessed via questionnaire. Results reveal that of those variables the satisfaction with the collaborative tasks is merely related to students' overall course evaluation.
dblp:conf/icls/KyewskiKCEEHHHR16 fatcat:fgvkmmlferekjgq3ysqnfjusny