Multilevel assessment of the aircraft manufacturing quality

Gulnara Akhmedyanova
2022 AIP Conference Proceedings  
The study is devoted to assessing the quality of aircraft products. Since quality, on the one hand, is an abstract object, and on the other, it is integrated, a multilevel assessment scheme has been developed. At the lowest level, the integration of three objects is considered: personnel, technological equipment and workpieces and raw materials. These three objects are integrated together with the production process at the second level, the development and implementation of technological routes
more » ... at the third, and the organization of the process of bringing the finished product to the market at the fourth. Product quality management is carried out at the highest level. At the same time, the assessment of the achievable quality is carried out independently according to the factors of each level. At the first level, a contribution is made by the degree of staff motivation to ensure high quality products, serviceability and reliability of technological equipment and devices, as well as the level of quality of initial blanks, raw materials and energy. At the second, respectively, the level of compliance with technological regimes, storage and transportation conditions, at the third -the perfection of the product design and manufacturing technologies. Finally, the fourth level adds three indicators -the timeliness of financing, the timeliness and completeness of the conclusion of contracts, the provision of production with personnel of appropriate qualifications.
doi:10.1063/5.0099378 fatcat:o7sw4n2bjbfinjfvc7xojpfhzq