مستوى تمثيل مهارات التواصل الرياضي في محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف السادس الأساسي في الجمهورية العربية السورية:, دراسة تحليلية

عبدالغفور مصباح الأسود, حاتم حسين البصيص
2018 المجلة التربوية الدولية المتخصصة  
2018 ‫أول‬ ‫كانون‬ -)25( ‫ع‬ -‫التاسع‬ ‫اجمللد‬ -‫والنفسية‬ ‫التربوية‬ ‫والدراسات‬ ‫لألبحاث‬ ‫املفتوحة‬ ‫القدس‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫مجلة‬ the following percentages respectively (13. 64%, 11. 67%, 11. 45%, 2. 33%) . The results indicated to the absence of a number of indicators of communication skills, and the variance of the presented indicators. The study recommended the need for the formation of accurate specifications table, based on the percentages of the Mathematical communication skills, and the
more » ... tition of each skill indicator in accordance with its importance and suitability with the needs of the pupils at sixth grade. Abstract: The study aimed at determining the extent of the distribution of Mathematical communication skills throughout the content of the Mathematics textbook that is designed for sixth graders. The study also aimed at identifying the availability of the skills indicators in the content. The study community and its sample was the content of the Mathematics Textbook of the Basic sixth grade. The researcher prepared a Content Analysis tool, which consisted of (53) indicators, that tackled communication skills. The tool's validity and stability were verified. The study results indicated that the content of the Mathematics textbook of the sixth grade highly considered Mathematical communication skills by %) 94. 79 (throughout all the Paragraphs. However, some skills were more focused on; speaking skills were mainly focused on by (55. 51 (%, followed by skills of Writing, Representation, Reading, and Listening by
doi:10.36752/1764-007-007-005 fatcat:z6i3x5r4fzambgvmbpkdrafjam