Analyzing Radiation-induced Transient Errors on SRAM-based FPGAs by Propagation of Broadening Effect

Corrado De Sio, Sarah Azimi, Luca Sterpone, Boyang Du
2019 IEEE Access  
SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used in mission-critical applications, such as aerospace and avionics. Due to the increasing working frequency and technology scaling of ultra-nanometer technology, single event transients (SETs) are becoming a major source of errors for these devices. In this paper, we propose a workflow for evaluating the behavior of SETs in SRAMbased FPGAs. The method is able to compute the propagation-induced pulse broadening (PIPB) effect
more » ... ed by the logic resources traversed by transient pulses. Besides, we developed an accurate lookup table (LUT) layout model able to effectively predict the kinds of the SETs induced by radiation-particle and to accurately mimic the phenomena of the SET generation and propagation. The proposed methodology is applicable to any recent technology to provide the SET analysis, necessary for an efficient mitigation technology. The experimental results achieved from a set of benchmark circuits mapped on a 28-nm SRAM-based FPGA and compared with the fault injection experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique. INDEX TERMS Function generator, propagation induced pulse broadening, LUTs, single event transients, SRAM-based FPGA.
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2915136 fatcat:44gmcxavtzhszceo7u75fri2bm