Form factors, branching ratio and forward–backward asymmetry in B→K1ℓ+ℓ- decays

M. Ali Paracha, Ishtiaq Ahmed, M. Jamil Aslam
2007 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
We study long-distance effects in rare exclusive semileptonic decays B -> K_1ell ^+ell ^-, K_1 is the axial vector meson.The form factors, describing the meson transition amplitudes of the effective Hamiltonian, are calculated using Ward identites which are then used to calculate branching ratio and forward-backward asymmetry in these decay modes. The zero of forward-backward asymmetry is of special interest and provide us the precission test of Standard model.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-007-0422-4 fatcat:zzaw73ljnvho3exx672jemg7ry