Prototyping a Task Structuring System for Supporting Crowd Co-creation Project

JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG  
We are developing a system for information sharing and collaboration for supporting crowd cocreation projects along with the JSAI SIG-CCI. Crowd co-creation projects in SIG-CCI are mainly supported by a system "MiraiLab" developed by Sengoku et al. MiraiLab will be expanded to record participants' daily activities with small posts like microblogs or tweets. Our system can structure small tasks, which are included in the participants' small posts, into hierarchies of tasks. The task hierarchies
more » ... nables participants to grasp overview of the project. We aim to support open collaboration, e.g., between citizens and laboratories in universities, through structuring tasks by our system.
doi:10.11517/jsaisigtwo.2016.cci-001_06 fatcat:4xzwe5n5vfg2blveaftdglj5e4