Lazarette Gazette volume 5 number 11 [article]

University Of Texas Marine Science Institute
REU Students The Marine Science Institute minority summer intern program for 1996 began on June 10 and will run through August 16, as part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sponsored by the Geosciences Division of the National Science Foundation. The students are working in the laboratory and field environments with MSI faculty members in such areas as zooplankton ecology, benthic ecology, larval fish ecology and biogeochemistry of estuarine waters and sediments. The program
more » ... onducted cruises on the RIV LONGHORN to the Gulf of Mexico and Baffin Bay/Laguna Madre. The graduate student mentors for the REU program, Claire Fernandez and Lauren Clark, are helping the REU students in our MSI research and in the local community. This will include visits to local attractions such as the Texas State Aquarium and the Aransas Wildlife Refuge. We are delighted to have the REU students participating in our ongoing research programs in marine science.
doi:10.15781/t2j09w57t fatcat:2zbrohy34nfnnjkwcigid57374