Protochlorophyllide Photoconversion Initiates the Transformation of Reaggregated Prolamellar Body Tubules in vitro

M. Müller, A. Nisius
1982 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
Completely dissolved components of native prolamellar body/primary thylakoids PLB/PT were induced to reaggregate into tubular structures in vitro. Incubation of these pchlide containing PLB-like tubules under red light with NADPH : pchlide oxidoreductase led to a specific association of the enzyme protein to the tubules. Photoconversion of the pigment initiates the dispersal of reaggregated PLB-tubules as indicated by changes in the content of their main constituent saponin.
doi:10.1515/znc-1982-5-620 fatcat:shle4sjhjzbzdij3uzlaxywhr4