A Changing of Masculinity Hegemony of the Beast Character in "Beauty and the Beast" Stories

Wahju Kusumajanti, Ovi Winda Vristian, Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019)   unpublished
This research analyzes the three versions of Beauty and the Beast, they are: a short story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740, the animation version by Disney in 1991, and the live-action of by Disney in 2017. This research focuses on the lead male character, the Beast. This research uses new criticism and masculinity as the theory to find out the characterization and the hegemonic masculinity of the Beast. The source of data obtained by analyzing the hegemonic character of Beast
more » ... in these three versions, compare and make meaning from those comparisons. This study found that the characteristics of Beast are : emotional, rude, badtempered, and well-educated. While, the masculinity sides of Beast are: wealthy, handsome, showing violence and domesticity. Those characteristics change and different in each version. The comparison shows that masculinity standards are changing following the trends and cultural changing.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200427.015 fatcat:7ufoeoikgnd3vnafwodb6rkyda