Socio-demographic profile and challenges faced by the transgender community in Kollam district, Kerala-a clinic-based cross-sectional study

Jomon Joy, Vincy Nelson
2022 Kerala Journal of Psychiatry  
Gender presentations and social categories vary across cultures, and many terms are used to describe individuals who live between or outside a male-female binary. Transgender is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity or gender expression differs from their biological sex. They face much discrimination that denies them equal access to key social goods, such as employment, health care, education, and housing. They are also marginalized in society, making them one of the vulnerable
more » ... groups at risk of becoming socially excluded. We aimed to look into the socio-demographic profile and challenges faced by transgender and whether there is a change in the attitude of the people of Kerala towards them. Methods: From transgender people registered under Suraksha Clinic in Kollam, 100 subjects were taken up for the study. A semi-structured questionnaire in the local language was used to collect information. Results: 57% of transgender people had a high school education, and only 4% completed higher education. Initially, 62% faced hesitance from their families in acknowledging their transgender identity, and 20% were rejected from their family. However, 40% of the family members have now accepted them as transgender because of changes in laws and reduced stigma in the community. In their parental home, 46% were discriminated compared to the other siblings. Transgender faced discrimination from the health sector as well. It was found that 52% were satisfied with the health support system of the country, while 28% were not satisfied. Conclusions: Transgender people face many problems in their daily life. Most transgender people believe that legal measures, support from transgender organizations, and social awareness programmes could help them fetch more social acceptance.
doi:10.30834/kjp.35.1.2022.327 fatcat:7kt2axun7bfodcfpfbktjwgl7e