Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe
Richard Rogers, Natalia Sánchez-Querubín, Aleksandra Kil
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... Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe. Contents 4. A critical cartography of ageing 4.1 Critical cartography and map-making 4.2 Practicing critical map-making 4.3 Neo-cartography and digital methods: The mash-up and the layer 4.4 Issue layer I: The Polish care worker migration layer 4.5 Issue layer II: Ageing issue centres and peripheries -NGOs, events, and sources of authority 4.6 Issue layer III: Cross-cultural analysis of ageing issues 4.7 European ageing resources map 4.8 Ageing well according to European local domain Googles: Ageing tips and an anti-ageing shopping list 5. Conclusion: Mapping for an ageing Europe 5.1 Producing social cartographies of ageing: The EUropeanization of ageing? 5.2 Producing risk cartographies of ageing: Winner and loser places 5.3 Producing critical neo-cartographies of ageing issue layers and resource maps Glossary of tools used References Notes Index The book is a collaboration between the authors together with Demet Dagdelen, Andrei Florian, Jamie Franklin, Chris Mead, and Daniel Luis dos Santos. Each contributor has undertaken small empirical projects and also written passages that have been reworked subsequently into this monograph. All the contributors participated in the course, Issue Mapping for Politics, offered in 2012 in the New Media International M.A. program at the University of Amsterdam. Among other things the purpose of the issue mapping course was to make contributions to the EU 7 th Framework project, EMAPS (Electronic Maps to Assist Public Science), a collaboration between Sciences Po (Paris), the Digital Methods Initiative at the University of Amsterdam, DensityDesign Lab (Politecnico di Milano), the Young Foundation (London), Barcelona Media, and the University of Dortmund. EMAPS follows on from another EU 7 th Framework project, MACOSPOL (Mapping Controversies in Science for Politics , 2009-2011), which led to the selection of the mapping approaches in this book: social cartography, risk cartography and critical neo-cartography using online mapping tools. Both EMAPS and MACOSPOL have had as their principal investigator Bruno Latour, and Tommaso Venturini was the scientist-in-charge for EMAPS.