Conceptual Design Report: Fermilab Upgrade: Main Injector - Technical Components and Civil Construction, March, 1989 (Rev. 1) [report]

1989 unpublished
Momentum spread and bucket area verus time for the four operational modes. The longitudinal emittance is 0.25 eV-sec. Only that portion of the cycle during which beam is accelerated is shown. Power System for Pulsed Power Supplies This system consists of the existing 82B transformer at the Master Substation and a new 15 kV distribution system to the MI. Six 15 kV feeders will be used in a ductbank from the Master Substation to the MI. A 15 kV switchgear area at MI-70 will allow sectionalizing
more » ... the system. From this switchgear, two direct buried loop feeders will be used to bring pulsed power to the ring. At each service building, there is a disconnect switch to supply power to the power supplies. From this switch to the power supply transformers, the feeders are routed in a ductbank. A paralleling switch at the south side of the ring enables uneven loading of each segment without overloading the feeders. This switch can also be used for feeder isolation during maintenance. Each feeder consists of three 750 MOM aluminum 15 kV power cables, each 2000 feet long so that no splices are needed between service buildings. Feeder construction type will be cross-linked polyethelene, concentric neutral with overall jacket. An harmonic filter will be installed at the switchgear area from feeders to ground, to prevent possible component damage due to excessive harmonic distortion caused by the non-linear power supplies. The filter will be similar to the existing filter in the Main Ring pulsed power system. Conventional Power System for the MI This system will consist of one 15 k~ feeder around the MI ring, with a 500 kVA transformer at each of the eight service buildings. The conventional power will be used for building power, lights, pumps, etc. The existing Main Ring conventional power feeder (feeder 45) will be intercepted at F2 and will be extended to the MI switchgear area through an underground duct bank. From this switchgear, the feeder will continue as a direct buried feeder to the six service buildings. At each service building there will be a disconnect switch with a ductbank connection to the 500 kVA conventional power transformer.
doi:10.2172/1542161 fatcat:s7nn32gl2vh2lmed3tpkb5ks3u