The Analysis of an HIV and AIDS Empowering Group Work Programme for Adolescents: A Quantitative Evaluation

K. Olivier, H. Strydom
2013 World Journal of AIDS  
In this article an HIV and AIDS group work programme empowering adolescents to deal with the possible death of their parents/caregivers will be evaluated in a quantitative fashion. The data were obtained by means of the Child Functioning Inventory High School (CFI-HIGH) developed by Perspective Training College and the Generalized Contentment Scale (GCS) of Hudson (Bloom et al., 1999: 220). The guidelines for selection and inclusion of respondents in the comparison and experimental groups will
more » ... e discussed, followed by information on the measuring instruments. The article will conclude with conclusions and recommendations.
doi:10.4236/wja.2013.31008 fatcat:gvbbiex5z5hxhiw2taccm2gh3a