Histologic Features of Chronic Viral Hepatitis C in Israel: a Study on Immigrants from the Former USSR

2014 Medical Connections  
Objectives: This study aimed to characterize the liver histopathology in Israeli patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (CVHC) who emigrated from the former USSR countries. Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study had comprised 86 consecutive CVHC patients who were classified as immigrants from the former USSR countries (Group 1, n=43) or as of non-USSR origination (Group 2, n=43). Material and Methods: Liver biopsies were evaluated by pathologists who were "blinded" to the patient's
more » ... rigination. Liver histology was evaluated using a semi-quantitative scoring system. Results: Demographic characteristics of both groups differed insignificantly. The estimated duration of CVHC was 11.9±3.6 years in Group 1 and 9.8±3.5 years in Group 2 (p=0.006; Student t test). Microscopic examination revealed morphological changes, which were typical for CVHC in both groups, however liver fibrosis and bile duct destruction were significantly more prominent in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (p=0.019 and p=0.027, respectively; Pearson's chisquare test). Conclusion: The present study has demonstrated several histologic features of CVHC in the large group of Israeli residents. Our findings also suggest a substantial role of socio-economical factors limiting healthcare availability in these features' formation. However, additional studies are warranted to explicate contribution of the ethnicity-related genes.
doi:10.33311/medcon.2014.30.2.2 fatcat:zk76k2auljccpaev7play6nfmu