Anhydrous Proton-Conducting Liquid-Crystalline Materials Based on Brønsted Acid-Base Pairs

Masafumi Yoshio
2019 Preprints of symposium on liquid crystals  
The use of self-assembly of ionic liquid-crystalline molecules is a powerful approach to the formation of ion transport nanochannels. We herein present a series of anhydrous proton-conducting liquid crystals based on Brønsted acid-base pairs. Taper-shaped sulfonic acids are synthesized. Complexation of the sulfonic acids with imidazole stabilizes the liquid-crystalline phases and induces the drastic structural change. For example, the equimolar complex of the sulfonic acid tethering a
more » ... yloxy)phenyl moiety with imidazole exhibits a columnar phase, whereas the sulfonic acid
doi:10.11538/ekitou.2019.0_pb25 fatcat:7djqwdegv5dfpksczm3glw6zuy