Unsaying Non-Knowledge: Georges Bataille and the Mysticism of Writing

Ben Brewer
2013 Res Cogitans  
Georges Bataille's writing seems to teethe with something utterly foreign to the discipline of philosophy. In this paper, I investigate what Jason Wirth calls' Bataille's "mad game of writing" in order to show that Bataille's bizarre writing style is actually an extension of his ethical and philosophical commitments. Bataille's writing attempts to produce a state within the reader rather than simply transmit information. I trace the justifications and roots for such a writing from his own
more » ... , as well as showing how such a style of writing has its roots in Kantian aesthetics and in Hegel's Phenomenology.
doi:10.7710/2155-4838.1082 fatcat:7k7abpxhtjbthlvqjpqripmbri