Application of a systems approach during the external design of uninhabited towed underwater systems

Volodymyr Blintzov, P. Kutzenko
The purpose of the work is to improve the methodology of external design of unmanned towed underwater systems on the basis of a systematic approach and to develop generalized indicators of their intended use. This goal is achieved by applying a systematic methodology, set theory and SWOT analysis of research results. As a result of system-based research, the structure of generalized performance indicators for the use of towed underwater defense systems has been determined as a methodological
more » ... is for the formation of a state order. It is established that the main generalized indicators it is advisable to attribute the set of probable threats to the state from the maritime direction, which have underwater origin, the set of methods of counteracting the probable threats, the set of indicators of the effectiveness of the use of a single towed submarine system for the implementation of the specified methods of counteraction underwater system and many technical and economic indicators that can form the basis of a state order spare. The scientific results of the work include the first developed structure of generalized indicators of efficiency of use of a towed underwater system, which is obtained on the basis of a systematic approach methodology, components of these generalized performance indicators, which forms the theoretical basis for the development of methods for quantifying them Second external evaluation stage design of this type of marine equipment.The practical importance of the work is confirmed by the examples of practical use of some generalized indicators of the effectiveness of the use of a towed underwater system for monitoring marine waters, which make it possible to make an informed decision at the preliminary stage of formation of the state order.
doi:10.20535/0203-3771392020229111 fatcat:xk23bo2knfbdzhv45m5qulykvq