Notizen: Der Einfluß des thermodynamischen Faktors auf die Aktivierungsenergie der Diffusion

G. Rehage, O. Ernst
1964 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
it is instead found that it is not a m/Am but a, that is nearly constant when m increases 3 . The thermal diffusion factor for the isotope effect in lithium is slightly larger than the smallest factor found for a binary mixture of molten metals (0.10 for 6 F. R. WINTER and H. G. DRICKAMER. J. Phys. Chem. 59, 1229 [1955]. Sn -Bi; cf highest factor 4.10 for Sn -Zn) 6 . A detailed investigation of the parameters that might influence the isotope effect of thermal diffusion in molten metals is in
more » ... gress in this laboratory. We are indebted to Mr. M. LÖVENBY for performing the mass analysis. This work has been supported by "Adlerbertska forskningsfonden" and by "Statens rad for atomforskning". Der Einfluß des thermodynaniischen Faktors auf die Aktivierungsenergie der Diffusion *
doi:10.1515/zna-1964-0633 fatcat:35wboym46fgvhd27e6nw4trowu