Experimental Study on Leakage Reduction of Reciprocating Compressor

Kiyoshi SAWAI, Atsushi MINEMOTO, ISHII Noriaki
Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  
To reduce the energy consumption of household refrigerators, we focused on leakage loss, one of the main losses, with the aim of improving the efficiency of reciprocating compressors. Since there are few reports on the measurement of leakage from the compression chamber during operation, the method of measuring leakage during operation was first examined, and the relationship between the piston diametral gap and leakage, and relation between the oil viscosity and leakage were investigated.
more » ... that, the relationship between groove specifications and leakage was experimentally investigated for oil grooves provided on the piston surface. As a result, the oil groove on the piston surface was effective in reducing leakage, and the oil groove specification to reduce leakage was clarified.
doi:10.11322/tjsrae.20-18ct_em_oa fatcat:buf4b5nthbhtlnmdxugwc6fzxe