The overcoming of mathematics teachers: a challenge for secondary school education / La superación de profesores de Matemática: un reto para la educación secundaria básica

Jorge Antonio Díaz Lozada, Luisa Manuela Martínez O'Farrill
2021 Revista MENDIVE  
The knowledge society has caused profound transformations in all spheres, including education. This requires new ways of thinking and acting to develop an educational practice that responds to social demands. However, the increasing attention of teachers that is not satisfied with the graduations of universities and pedagogical schools constitutes a challenge. Another element to take into account is that many teachers only have comprehensive training without specialization in the subject. All
more » ... ese have as a result that teachers do not satisfy the needs of the school either quantitatively or qualitatively. Hence the importance of implementing processes of improvement that elevates the quality of their preparation so that teachers self-value their work in a positive sense and are appreciated by society. The work aims to characterize the improvement that teachers need based on their experience and opinions. To do this, a course is designed in a flexible way in which the teachers themselves identify their needs for improvement and reflection on its relevance.
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