Welcome from the general chair

2013 8th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks  
On behalf of the CROWNCOM 2013 Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), which will be held in Washington D.C., USA during July 8-10, 2013. CROWNCOM is one of the notable conferences for advancing, presenting, and debating the science, engineering, and technology needed to enhance the wireless radio access. Since its inauguration in Mykonos in 2006, CROWNCOM has made substantial contributions to
more » ... the wireless networking community, particularly the field of radio spectrum. As a result, I welcome researchers, academics, and industrials to participate in this important conference. Continuing the tradition from previous years, CROWNCOM focuses on cognitive radio aspects of wireless communications. The technical program this year features six tracks, spanning from spectrum sharing, spectrum sensing, cognitive radio performance analysis, spectrum markets and security, hardware prototypes, and interference management. The conference hosts one special session: WiFiUS (Wireless Innovation between Finland and US) Workshop. The primary objectives of this workshop are to report on ongoing WiFiUS projects and to explore future collaborations in the field of wireless networks. In addition, the conference offers two keynote talks by well-known scholars, and one panel to discuss research challenges for cognitive radios. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the entire Organizing Committee, the entire Technical Program Committee, and all the reviewers for their hard work and commitment that have made this year's edition of CROWNCOM possible. My deepest appreciation goes to Erica Polini and Ruzanna Najaryan at EAI, Technical Program Committee Chairs Danijela Cabric and Xiuzhen Cheng, Local Arrangement Chair Yi Shi, and Special Session Chair Alhussein Abouzeid. I hope that you will enjoy both the technical and social sides of the conference. I look forward to welcoming you in person to
doi:10.1109/crowncom.2013.6636783 fatcat:od7idtny6bcijfemltc2lnajvq