Review of the Polish Pharmacoeconomic Society activities' 1/2016 Author

Joanna Lis, Niewada, Monika Szkultecka, Dębek Roche, Polska Sp
chaired the session dedicated to drug policy issues with a special participation of Krzysztof Łanda from the Ministry of Health. e discussion was about how to improve access to medicines in Poland and the example of the new project about free drugs for elderly people was shared. e Ministry of Health presented the information about the planned changes in the drug policy and the development of the reimbursement model. Some time was dedicated for discussion about the amendment of the Reimbursement
more » ... Act. e session dedicated to the specicity of assessment of medical devices was moderated by Jacek Wcisło and Paweł Petryszyn. Krzysztof Łanda shared the Ministry of Health vision regarding medical devices followed by a presentation of planned legal changes in relation to medical devices. ere was also a discussion about the new nancing mechanisms for medical devices with special attention paid to the quality criteria of public tenders, risk-sharing agreements for medical devices and the HTA guidance for medical devices. To ensure a complete picture the perspective from the applicants regarding the strategic aspects for the new decision making for medical devices was presented. Katarzyna Kolasa moderated the session dedicated to e-health were the main question was if the e-Health system helps/supports/facilitates reimbursement decisions. Some other countries' experience and Polish reality were discussed including registries, e-prescriptions and other legal issues. Professor Elżbieta Nowakowska lead the session about HTA guidelines and their update performed in 2016 in cooperation with AOTMiT while Anna Zawada and Michał Jakubczyk chaired the session about good HTA practices. e conference ended with the presentation of original projects.