Evaluation of in-situ Measurements in Engineering Geology. Evaluation of Sliding Frictional Angle of Discrete Surface in Rockmass by using Stereonet
都市における応用地質学の課題 ステレオネットを用いた岩盤分離面のすべり摩擦角推定事例

Taketomi SUMI
1996 Journal of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology  
Stereographic solution is applicable to evaluate the sliding frictional angle of discrete surface in rockmass. In case of rock slope with discrete surface, the possibility of failure is attributed to relationship between the following factors: (1) plunge of the rock slope, (2) plunge of the discrete surface, and (3) sliding frictional angle of the discrete surface. Therefore, in the failed rock slope, sliding frictional angle of discrete surface is evaluated from geometric relationship between
more » ... he plunges of discrete surface and rock slope. It is easy to examine the geometric relationship of those plunges by using equalangle stereonet. Tow examples of stereographic solution, which apply to rock slopes within Gifu Prefecture, are discussed in this report.
doi:10.5110/jjseg.36.448 fatcat:3u6jhvbm2bfcbdq2cxdpdxn5om