Ruth Z. Korman, David T. Berman
1962 Journal of Bacteriology  
KORMAN, RUTH Z. (Elmira College, Elmira, N.Y.) AND DAVID T. BERMAN. Genetic transduction with staphylophage. J. Bacteriol. 84 :228-236. 1962.-Transduction by crude lysates obtained by ultraviolet-light induction of phage 53 lysogenic derivatives of Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8511 has been confirmed. A defined medium and sugar-differential medium were developed, permitting demonstration of transmission of sugar-fermentation loci. The range of transmissible markers has been extended to include
more » ... e-coagulase production as well as antibiotic-resistance markers. A rare class of heterogeneous streptomycin-resistant transformed clones was obtained. These were assumed to be heterogenotic.
doi:10.1128/jb.84.2.228-236.1962 fatcat:apdxfsqogncwjd3gqgy2sza63u