Data Sources Analysis for Sustainable Trip Planner Development for Riga City

Alise Dinko, Irina Yatskiv Jackiva, Evelina Budilovich Budiloviča
2021 Transport and Telecommunication  
In today's daily traveller world, not only the time and money became important, but climate change and pandemic raised the importance of safety and sustainability of future trip plans. In order to provide such a wide coverage for a variety of important information, a sustainable trip planner needs to receive a lot of data from a variety of differentiated data sources. Provided review of related works shows that a lot of started activities in this aspects gives all of us promises and hope that
more » ... ailable Big Data sources will be wisely used in order to bring added value not only to individual travellers, but also society, the transportation services will become better structured and information will be easily available for smart and safe decision making, that gradually will increase life quality. The study's main goal is analysis of open data sources for the trip planner development. Authors analysed availability of data for Riga transport system and data usage for sustainable trip planner.
doi:10.2478/ttj-2021-0025 fatcat:mx3ktgczofb63h2c2oprbribai