Research in progress: Understanding how emergency managers evaluate crowdsourced data: A trust game-based approach

Kathleen A. Moore, Andrea H. Tapia, Christopher Griffin
2013 International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management  
The use, or barriers to use, of crowdsourced data by emergency managers has been a significant topic of scholarly discussion during the past several years. The single strongest barrier to use has been identified as one of data quality (Tapia, et. al, 2011) . We argue that within this environment the Emergency Manager (EM) acts as a decision-maker and evaluator of crowdsourced data. The final judgement on whether to incorporate crowdsourced data into a Crisis response lies with the EM. In this
more » ... per we make a brief argument for the role of EM as trustworthy data analyst and then propose a model for capturing the trust-analytical behavior through game theory (Griffin, et. al, 2012) . Lastly, we propose a simple computer game, which uses our model through which we will capture EM trust-analytical behavior though a future empirical data collection effort.
dblp:conf/iscram/MooreTG13 fatcat:7gli5rk7zrfllafccioq6okesi