Children's Hospital, Paris: Acute Rheumatism -- Pericarditis -- Sudden Death

P. H. Green
1842 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
boy, 14 years of age, was admitted into hospital October 11. For some time past the child had complained of wandering pains in the limbs, but not sufficiently severe to prevent him from working at his trade. On the 8th and 9th he experienced a general sense of fatigue, with headache, pain in the muscles of the neck, and uneasiness during the act of swallowing; in the night of the 9th the ancle-joints became red, swollen, and excessively painful; general febrile symptoms set in; and in the
more » ... g the elbow-joints were attacked in a similar manner. Oct. 12. The child complains of headache; the face is red, and expressive of pain; the least movement makes him cry out; the knee-joints and the left ancle are red, swollen, and painful; there is pain, without swelling or redness, in the hip-joints, and in the right shoulder-joint; he also complains of severe pam in the muscles of the neck, and is unable to move his head; skin hot, but moist; pulse 112; bowels confined; no vomiting. He was ordered to have poultices to the joiits and frictions with an anodyne liniment along the thighs. 13. Passed a restless night; the knee and anclejoints are less swollen; the wrist-joints are now attacked, and likewise the left elbow-joint; the
doi:10.1136/bmj.s1-4.1.17 fatcat:rupv72pqn5c2nbj6fygzadvzpu