A Look at How Effective English Writing Strategies Are

Xiang-hu LIU, Ya-nan QIAO
2017 DEStech Transactions on Environment Energy and Earth Science  
In view of the importance of writing strategies, this current study discusses what strategies junior middle school students can use to improve their writing after writing strategies training. Additionally, it examines whether using writing strategies in the writing process can promote students' learner autonomy in terms of writing, and whether they enhance their writing achievements or not. The experiment lasted 12 weeks and was conducted in Tangma Junior Middle School. The research
more » ... were 96 students selected randomly from two classes in Grade 9, an experimental class and control class. The major research findings show that, after training in writing strategies, students in the experimental class could use more strategies to instruct their writing process, and it is also concluded that using writing strategies in the writing process could enhance students' writing achievements. Meanwhile, their autonomous learning abilities in terms of writing were also improved, from low to medium level.
doi:10.12783/dteees/seee2016/6584 fatcat:7lx7ava7kbafrnx6sbjzedvvue