Applications of CFD Method to Gas Mixing Analysis in a Large-Scaled Tank

Si Y. Lee, Richard A. Dimenna
2007 Volume 2: Fora, Parts A and B   unpublished
The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling technique was applied to the estimation of maximum benzene concentration for the vapor space inside a large-scaled and high-level radioactive waste tank at Savannah River site (SRS). The objective of the work was to perform the calculations for the benzene mixing behavior in the vapor space of Tank 48 and its impact on the local concentration of benzene. The calculations were used to evaluate the degree to which purge air mixes with benzene
more » ... g from the liquid surface and its ability to prevent an unacceptable concentration of benzene from forming.
doi:10.1115/fedsm2007-37366 fatcat:xp2znespavfrlno33tmydu2rbm