Effects of uniaxial strain on the bandstructures of silicon nanowires

Redwan Noor Sajjad, Khairul Alam, Quazi Deen Mohd Khosru
2008 2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering  
The effects of uniaxial strain on the band structures of <100> silicon nanowires of width 2.75 -3.84 nm are studied using sp 3 d 5 s * orbital basis atomistic tight binding approach. The conduction band edge at Γ point has almost no variation with strain and the second valley located at 0.36×π/a of the wire Brilluoin moves down in energy with both compressive and tensile strains. The top valence band moves up in energy with both tensile and compressive strain, and therefore, the band gap
more » ... with both types of strain. We notice about 7% change in band gap for an application of 2% strain. The electron effective masses at Δ 4 and Δ2 valleys show opposite dependence on strain, and the hole effective mass of top valence band has almost similar variation with both types of strain. We notice a significant change in hole effective mass with strain.
doi:10.1109/icece.2008.4769217 fatcat:yuskjjlvq5cihjadoyygv365r4