The Impact of the Compact City on Housing Affordability in the Indonesian Metropolis

Yulia Dewita, University, My, Matthew Burke
The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between compact urban form and housing affordability. Sustainability is a key planning and development objective in the urban sector. In spite of the multifaceted relationships between urban form and sustainable development, the compact city is widely accepted as a form suitable for pursuing the goals of sustainability. One perceived undesirable impact of a compact city is its negative effect on housing affordability. Research on the
more » ... fluence of urban compaction on housing affordability has been undertaken for decades, yet empirical evidence has been rarely found in developing countries, including in Indonesia. While adopting a compact city concept in the nation's urban development policy and strategies, Indonesia faces problems of housing shortages, particularly for low-income groups. Thus, research on the relationship between compact urban form and housing affordability in Indonesia, including its policy implications, is essential. This thesis involves, i) a qualitative exploration of the compact city in Indonesia in order to understand existing conceptions and their application in urban development policies; ii) a quantitative examination using a case study approach to investigate the relationship between compact urban form and housing affordability in Indonesia. Three metropolitan areas in Indonesia, namely Bandung (BMA), Jakarta (JMA) and Medan (MMA), are used as case studies. The relationship between urban compaction and level of affordability are examined at metropolitan level using the three metropolises, and at neighbourhood level using the Bandung metropolitan area as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are adopted in this thesis to provide further insight into the concepts of compact city planning, including its influence on housing affordability and implications for policy. This research has led to five published or submitted peer-review papers that flow from an integrated set of research methods. A qualitative m [...]
doi:10.25904/1912/3093 fatcat:tweous6obbdhxpyyzofbhs7wue