Personalization Strategies and Apparel Shopping Orientation of College Students
개인화 전략과 대학생들의 의류제품 쇼핑성향

Yeon-Hee Kim, Kyu-Hye Lee
2009 Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles  
The fashion apparel industries have demanded to be extremely consumer-oriented. Therefore, the need of personalization arises. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between apparel shopping orientation and various personalization strategies provided in the apparel shopping process. A total of 422 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. Canonical correlation and ANOVA were conducted. Results indicated that higher level of demand for "sale-promotion
more » ... n" and "personalized customer relationship" were significantly related to high level of fashion innovativeness and price consciousness. Consumers who seek for high level of "personalized advice" and "personalized fit" were likely to be price conscious and conforming to clothing but not innovative in terms of fashion and clothing. Shopping orientation group differences were also reported in the study. In personalizing of apparel products, distinctive but relevant strategies should be implemented according to the need of the consumers.
doi:10.5850/jksct.2009.33.6.949 fatcat:x3jbr5wcy5gqjdtcl72nd7llcq